The most trusted name in casting, since 1960.

Exclusively for Freelancers Union members!

Find great talent or get cast on Backstage, the world's most trusted casting platform, without paying our typical fees.

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Find the perfect performers

Post your casting notice on Backstage, and you’ll begin receiving applications from qualified actors. You can quickly filter submissions by age range, gender, body type, hair color, and skills and talents, making finding the perfect fit for your roles simple.

Application management made simple

We've made the application process a breeze. You and your team will be able to manage talent approval at lightning speed with our new platform, built from the ground up with your time in mind.


Cast great talent on Backstage today and get your project moving.

What Are You Waiting For?


Your Tools


You can invite collaborators to help you cast your project. They are granted full access to your project's Application Manager and can view and organize applicants, send and receive messages, and add notes.

The Application Manager is your tool to review applicants and cast your project. Review candidates on a role by role basis, organize candidates in folders, and filter candidates by union status, age range, location, and more.

Application Manager

The Casting Dashboard is your starting place to manage your projects on Backstage. View a list of your active, draft, and expired productions; edit production details; and navigate to the Application Manager for each production.


In addition to waiting for talent to find your casting call on their own, you can visit the Talent Database to proactively find actors and performers. Click the "Invite" option and they'll immediately receive an invitation encouraging them to apply.


Communicate with performers quickly, reliably, and securely with the Backstage Messaging System. It's the easiest way to manage your casting process, keep track of your favorite performers and maintain efficient communication, all in one place.


The Backstage Talent Database helps you find and organize talent for your current and future projects. You can search for performers using filters, add performers to your production, or tag a performer, which will save their profile for later use.

Talent Database


Our powerful messaging system lets you connect with performers on Backstage while protecting your privacy. You can also invite talent you see on Backstage to apply directly to your project. With Backstage, you can manage the entire process from your account. No more sifting through hundreds of emails. Just log in and reach out.

You start the conversation

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Creators and registered Backstage performers

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for a 30-day free trial for performers or FREE casting for creators